Research interests

I am a Physisist and interested in Quantum Physics, Statistical Physics and Sollid State Physics. Followings are examples of current interests. I mainly use numerical methods in order to investigate following problems.

Localization of Disordered System with Correlation
Localization phenomena are widely observed in various disordered systems, such as electronic system, lattice dynamics, photonic system, and so on. The interference of the randomly scattered wave can cause the localization regardless of type of the system. In almost all studies for the localization, $\delta-$correlated disorder is asummed until now. Current interest is concern correlation effect on the localization. Localization property in the disordered few-chain DNA systems with a long-range correlation is numerically investigated. We applied the chain system with the correlated disorder in the interchain and/or intrachain hoppings to the simple model of a double strand of DNA.

Related papers:
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [8], [12], [24], [38], [39], [40], [46], [49], [50], [52], [53], [55], [60]

Dissipation in Quantum System
Contrary to the traditional theory which dissipation in quantum system is introduced by infinite fegrees of freedom coupled with the system such as heat bath theory and stochastic rheory, we would like to derive self-organization of the irreversible property in fully quantum system. In the concrete, we numerically simulate one particle system coupled with a small number of phonon mode. Irreversible energy flow from electron to phonon modes have been realized in the system. Furthermore the energy might be transported as "heat" which can not be recovered by finite operation.

Related papers:
[7], [10], [14], [16], [22], [26], [30], [36], [37], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [47], [48], [54]

Decoherence and Controllability of the Qquantum Tunneling
We investigate effect of the decoherence in quantum tunneling in one-dimensional symmetric double-well potential with coherent or stochastic perturbation. A coupling with some vibrational modes can cause the decoherence in the wavepacket dynamics. Furthermore, we discuss the controllability of the quantum tunneling by external field based on optimal control theory.

Related papers: [TU], [T7], [62], [63]

Dissipative Phenomena in Quatum System and Analiticity Property of Wave Function
As mentioned in "Dissipation in Quantum System", dissipative and/or pre-dissipative phenomena arise in quantum system coupled with small degrees of freedom. We are interested in the characteristics in analicitiy property of the quantum wave function in the quantum dissipative system.This is regard as a quantum version of analiticity breakdown of KAM torus in classical chaos system.

Related papers: [71]

Dynamical Property of Classical Many Body System
Dynamical instability in simple one-dimensional classical many body system, such as Lennard-Jones, and Morse system, is not fully understood yet. The direction of the study began with pioneering work of Fermi, Pusta and Ulam. We would like to understand the ststistical and dynamical properties depended on the particle density and energy density. Then the geomerical property of the phase space and dynamics of the Lyapunov vector are interesting.

Related papers:
[11], [13], [15], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [23], [25], [27], [28], [29], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [51]

Physical and Biological Phenomena on Various Network Structures
Recently scale-free network(SFN) structre was discovered in various fields such as physics, biology and economics. The nature of SFN is characterized by a power-law behavior in distribution function as a function of the number of nodes with $k$ links, represented by $P(k) \propto k^{-\gamma}$ with $\gamma \approx 1-4$. We are interested in physical and biological phenomena on various network structures.@We study the nature of fitness landscapes of Kauffman's Boolean model with a SFN and consider the meaning in biological evolution. Furthermore, we study the Boolean dynamics on a SFN in comparison with ones on the other network structures. Boolean dynamics was proposed by Kauffman as a simple theoretical model for the cycle length distribution in cell cycle.

Related papers:
[58], [59], [61], [64],[65],[66]

The other interests:
*Contralling optical absorbability by quantum chaos
*Classical stochastization problem of quantum wave packet
*Adiabatic and nonadiabatic transition in quantum chaos system
*Fast diffusion in super ionic conductor and metaric cluster
